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Event: ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2010 CAIRO – EGYPTOrganised by: ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) and Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) Pune, India.
Key dates:
Fest dates: September 21-23, 2010
Last date:
Fest dates: September 21-23, 2010
Last date:
Details: Robocon, short for Robotic Contest, is an interesting game- cum- intellectual exercise for budding engineers and their enthusiastic instructors, determined to innovate and create machines for producing desired results. Participation in this activity is an end-to-end competitive experience from concept design of a system of robots programmed to perform according to rules of the game played on a high precision technical Contest Area and to score a victory beating the competitors; all this according to a Theme declared by the Host Country.
International Robocons are mainly sponsored by Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) which includes Doordarshan (Prasarbharati) of India as a member which has been organizing all activities in India for last five years with collaboration with Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) Pune, India.
FiguresRule Animation
Historical Background
Robo Pharohs Build Pyramids