Event: Kronos 2010
Important dates:
Fest dates: Starts APRIL 14
ITM Universe Gwalior brings before you the most happening techfest till date : KRONOS-10 it would be without any exaggeration that KRONOS since it’s inception will be a benchmark for others.
The nature of genius is to be able to grasp the knowledge from the crudest of sources that come beyond intuition.The idea of KRONOS would be to present challenges which would be only encountered by wilderness of intelligence. So, prepare to explore that wilderness within grey cells.
With innovation as inspiration and technical knowledge as a tool, ITM aims at bringing a transformation to the very grassroots of this region with the hidden theme of KRONOS 10 being “Striving For Excellence”. KRONOS is a celebration of that fusion where the beauty of the form is coalesced with inspiring ingenious innovations of young mettle. It is the effort to unveil the creation to make it free of barriers. KRONOS will be synonomous with excellence in the list of such events across the region.Graced with the presence of young mettle competing to dazzle, KRONOS will the stuff that talks are made of for a longtime. Our effort would be to come up with a step to combine fun with the technology to produce some dazzling performances.
WEBSITE: http://itmkronos10.co.cc